Sabra United Methodist Church is located in the Jerome Park residential neighborhood.
Parking is available beside and behind the church.
Highland Park United Methodist Church is located in the Highland Park residential neighborhood.
Parking is available beside the church.
Jones United Methodist Church is located in the Greenmont residential neighborhood.
Limited parking is available behind the church. Onstreet parking also exists.
All three churches under our charge are renowned for their warm and friendly congregations, united in a common desire to seek God's purpose for our lives and celebrate His presence."
A typical service will last 50 minutes. Pastor Steve preaches at all three churches every Sunday.
Highland Park begins at 9:00 am, Jones at 10:00 am and Sabra at 11:00 am. You will see Pastor Steve leave early towards the end of Highland Park and Jone's services to arrive at the next church. Have no worries as the Lay Leaders fill in to deliver a seamless service.
Most of our worshipers dress casually, so don't worry about wearing "church clothes". We welcome you as you are.
Children worship with us and we have a special children's sermon preceding the Message. We have some activities for the children.
Please hang around after service for fellowship and getting to know us.